Professional negligence claims arise as a result of negligent advice or conduct or a failure to properly advise or take action on the part of any professional when acting for their client. We have experience in pursuing claims against accountants, lawyers, surveyors, insurance brokers, financial advisers and other professionals.
Examples of recent work, in which we have been involved:
- Pursuing claim for compensation against former solicitors arising from the conduct of property litigation involving several appeals over many years and the failure to advise adequately regarding settlement offers.
- Claim against accountants for having failed to advise properly in connection with a tax investigation.
- Claims against IFA for inappropriate advice on investments, or inappropriate investment.
- Numerous claims for professional negligence against solicitors, for poor litigation advice leading to losses; for failing to ensure that all necessary land was included within the purchase.
- Advice on claim against former accountants for failing to properly address IR 35 issues
- Claim against insurance brokers to arrange proper cover on the change on the basis of insurance from claims arising to claims made to arising.
- Potential claim against property expert.
- Claim against solicitors for negligent conveyancing.
- Claims against surveyors for failing to detect dry rot or other defects.